Jun 11 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) delivered testimony to the National Commission on the Future of the Army in Fayetteville, NC, which outlined the severe risks of the Obama Administration’s proposed budget cuts to our Armed Forces, including severe cuts to Army end strength. While Tillis applauded the commission for coming to Fayetteville – the largest and most important post for the U.S. Army – he noted that as the nation faces threats from Islamic extremists, we must ensure our Armed Forces are prepared to react at a moment’s notice.

Tillis urged the Commission to rethink the balance of forces within the Army so that it can continue to be flexible and lethal. The balance requires not only the light and specialized forces at Fort Bragg, but the traditional heavy punch of the Army’s armored and aviation elements. Soldiers from Fort Bragg are deployed to more than 90 countries and are essential to defeating the extensive threats America faces as they are most often the first in missions and last out.

Tillis also addressed the effect that budget and benefit cuts are having on young soldiers and their families, including moves to degrade traditional commissary benefits, and lower the allowances troops receive for housing. Making cuts to the Army’s force size, response training, and pay and benefits is a strategically flawed decision jeopardizing our national security while deprioritizing the quality of life for our soldiers. Tillis stressed the need to ensure our troops are receiving the most rigorous training for both irregular and conventional missions with modernized equipment, allowing the United States Army to once again be a leading force to be reckoned with, capable of any mission.

As the Obama Administration cuts our military readiness to levels we have not seen since World War II, Tillis pledged to work with the Commission as it develops strategies for the Army’s future.

Following the testimony, Senator Tillis released the following statement:

“I want to thank the Commission for listening to my concerns and their commitment to ensuring the long-term success of our Army at Fort Bragg. We need to once again secure America’s military dominance on the international stage by adequately funding, training, and equipping our Armed Forces. The Administration’s willingness to risk our national security preparedness through budget cuts is not only unnecessary, but reckless. It is time we prioritize our soldiers’ training, benefits and quality of life if we want to prioritize the security of our great nation.”
