Feb 28 2017

Tonight, Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) issued the following video statement following President Trump’s address to a joint session of Congress. Senator Tillis stressed the need for Republicans and Democrats to work together to address the major challenges facing the nation.
Download Senator Tillis’ video response by clicking here.
Text of Senator Tillis’ response:
Tonight, the President addressed the nation and outlined an ambitious policy agenda.
It includes overhauling our antiquated tax and regulatory codes, reforming our health care system to make health care more affordable, and fulfilling our commitments to our brave veterans. 
Regardless of where you stand on President Trump and his policy proposals, I hope you agree that continued gridlock and bitter partisanship in Washington will keep our great nation from reaching its full potential.
Whether you’re a Republican, Democrat or Independent, far more unites us than divides us. We all want our children to inherit an America that is stronger, safer and more prosperous. We all want to see our fellow Americans have access to affordable health care and a quality education. We all want to see America continue to serve as the beacon for freedom and opportunity for the rest of the world.
The American people sent a very clear message last November that they’re tired of politics as usual. That want to see results coming out of Washington, and those results will require bipartisanship, and at times compromise.
I’m committed to working on the proposals put forward by the President and moving forward with bipartisan solutions.
Whether it’s modernizing’s our nation’s infrastructure, reforming our criminal justice system, or securing the border and finally fixing our broken immigration system, there is tremendous potential to pursue bipartisan policies that will benefit our nation.
I’ll be doing my part to ensure that happens. I’ll also be making my voice heard when my colleagues on both sides—including members of my own party—become roadblocks to the results the American people want to see. 
Thank you so much, and may God bless North Carolina and United States of America.