Nov 19 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C.  U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) recently spoke on the Senate floor in opposition to the Democrats’ tax and spending spree.

Watch the full floor speech here

“President Biden and Democratic leaders are pursuing a $2 trillion tax and spending spree that offers Americans more debt, more government, more taxes, and more inflation,” said Senator Tillis. “This bill is an attempt to fundamentally transform from an opportunity-driven society built on the American Dream - into a dependency-driven society powered by the federal government. Democrats claim this bill will bring down costs and help the middle class, but one of the biggest provisions is tax cuts for millionaires in New York, California, and other blue states that will be paid for by doubling the size of the IRS and auditing hardworking North Carolinians. The Democrats’ tax and spending spree won’t build back better – it will only make life harder for Americans already struggling to get by.”
