Oct 11 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C Senator Thom Tillis and 9 of his fellow Republican senators are calling on President Biden to immediately convene the G7 nations and take coordinated action to further isolate Iran with crippling sanctions. The senators are urging President Biden to punish the evil Iranian regime, which remains the world’s largest state sponsor of terror, isolate its support of evil terrorism, and deny its ability to continue supporting the brutality witnessed in Israel. 

“The terror and devastation unleashed on Israel over the last 72 hours by Iran-backed Hamas terrorists has rightly horrified the world. Innocent families were murdered in their homes. Teenage girls have been raped and then burned alive. An elderly wheelchair-bound woman, who was later identified as a Holocaust survivor, was brutally dragged through the streets of Gaza and killed. Children who witnessed the murders of their parents have been kidnapped and are now being held hostage by Hamas,” the senators wrote. 

“While we appreciate the willingness of the leaders of France, the United Kingdom, Italy and Germany to stand in support of Israel as expressed in your joint statement yesterday, the statement failed to direct any action toward the evil behind these attacks: Iran. We know that the Iranian regime is behind the brutal attacks on innocent civilians being carried out by terrorists from Hamas and Palestinian Jihad. The United States and our allies cannot ignore this reality for a second longer. We the undersigned senators urge you to immediately convene the G7 nations and take coordinated action to further isolate Iran with severe sanctions and action that will strike directly at the wealth that this evil brings to the Ayatollah and the Iranian mullahs,” the senators continued. 

“Now, it falls on you as President of the United States to lead the freedom-loving world. We must punish the evil Iranian regime, which remains the world’s largest state sponsor of terror, and deny its ability to continue supporting the brutality witnessed in Israel from ever occurring again,” the senators concluded

Read the full letter HERE.
