Nov 6 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C Last week, the U.S. Senate passed Senator Thom Tillis’ bipartisan amendment to expand access to breast cancer screenings for veterans. 

“Early detection of breast cancer through regular screenings plays a critical role in saving lives,” said Senator Tillis. “I’m proud to cosponsor this important amendment on behalf of our female veterans.” 

The bipartisan amendment appropriates funding to the VA’s Office of Women’s Health to expand access to mobile mammography units, improve advanced mammography equipment, and enhance outreach services to better publicize mammography services. According to the National Library of Medicine, female veterans were nearly three times more likely to develop invasive breast cancer than the rest of the population. 

Last week, the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bill passed the Senate, which included Senator Tillis’ bipartisan amendment.

Full text of the amendment can be found HERE.
